The first price increases are due to come into force in July 第一批提价预计将在7月开始执行。
The regulations come into force ( or go into effect) as of today. 本条例自即日起施行。
These regulations come into force upon promulgation. 本条例自公布之日起施行。
In such case, the changes come into force upon receipt of such customer's notice by the contractor. 这种情况下,变更自业主收到承包商通知之日起生效。
The new system shall come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament 新制度应在本届议会解散时生效
The law will no longer come into force. 这项法律将不再有约束力了。
I look forward to June of this year when the revised International Health Regulations will come into force. 我期盼着今年6月,届时修订的《国际卫生条例》将生效。
The ban has come into force despite opposition from some bar and caf é owners who fear losing business. 尽管一些酒吧和咖啡馆担心损失生意而反对,该禁令还是会强制实行。
When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?
The agreement will come into force next summer. 协议将于明年夏天生效。
They are not the United Nations. And even the resolutions of the United Nations have to be approved by a majority before they come into force. What grounds have they for interfering in the internal affairs of China? 他们不是联合国,联合国的决议还要大多数同意才能生效,他们凭什么干涉中国的内政?
It expressed the hope that the new Singapore treaty would come into force soon. 它希望新的《新加坡条约》很快生效。
This agreement will come into force since the signature and seal of authorized representative of both parties. 本合同经双方授权代表签字并盖章,自签订日起生效。
Austerity measures planned to come into force in2014 are being brought forward a whole year to2013. 该计划原本于2014年生效的紧缩措施提整整前了一年,至2013年开始实施。
The response of most of the businesses was that they had read about the law in the press but don't know when it will come into force. 大多数店家的回应是,它们在报刊上看过有关这项法律的内容,但不知道这项法律什么时候会生效。
The New European Union Toy Safety Directive will come into force in July next year, impacting China's toy and gift industry. 欧盟玩具新指令将于明年7月生效,将会影响到中国的玩具和礼品行业。
Such cooperation is welcome and is consistent with the International Health Regulations, which soon come into force. 此类合作是值得欢迎的,符合将迅速生效的《国际卫生条例》。
This Agreement shall come into force after it is signed and sealed by representatives of Party A and Party B. 本协议自甲、乙代表签字并加盖公章之日起生效。
The regulation was to come into force on a trial basis this month. 该规定本月将以暂行方式生效。
New regulations will soon come into force for the drivers of heavy vehicles. 不久将实行新的载重汽车司机守则。
The ban would come into force once the government issues a notification to the effect. 在政府发布了实施通知后,这项禁令就生效了。
This protocol shall come into force on the day on which it is sign by the two government. 本议定书自两国政府签字之日起生效。
Hainan's duty-free shopping policy has permanently come into force. 海南的免税购物政策已经永久生效了。
The technical agreement will come into force upon signature. 技术协定将在签字后生效。
I hereby give notice that the new regulations will come into force next week. 我事先警告你们,下星期将实行新规定。
New environmental regulations need to come into force to stop global warming. 须立即实施新环境法规以阻止全球变暖。
We have be informed by the Department of trade that new tariff be come into force. 我们已被贸易部正式告知:新关税即将生效。
A new Capital-Investment law, due to come into force in january, does little to change this approach. 将要在明年开始实施的新资产投资法,对这个方面的处理改动很少。